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How to select records from database table which has to user id (created_by_user, given_to_user) and replace users id by usernames?

This is task table:

task table in a database

This is user table:

user table in a database

I want to select user tasks.
I would give from backend (“given_to_user) id.
But The thing is I want that SELECTED data would have usernames instead of Id which is (created_by_user and given_to_user).

SELECTED table would look like this.

example data that I need to select

How to achieve what I want?
Or maybe I designed poorly my tables that It is difficult to select data I need? 🙂
task table has to id values that are foreign keys to user table.
I tried many thinks but couldn’t get desired result.

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2 Answers

  1. You did not design poorly the tables.
    In fact this is common practice to store the ids that reference columns in other tables.
    You just need to learn to implement joins:

    SELECT, task.title, task.information, user.usename AS created_by, user2.usename AS given_to
      (task INNER JOIN user ON task.created_by_user = 
      INNER JOIN user AS user2 ON task.created_by_user =;
  2. Do you just want two joins?

    select t.*, uc.username as created_by_username,
           ug.username as given_to_username
    from task t left join
         users uc
         on t.created_by_user = left join
         users ug
         on t.given_to_user =;

    This uses left join in case one of the user ids is missing.