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Skills Tracking

Subject: Skills Tracker database in Access 2007 Question: I have started building a skills tracker database and I already know I need to start over from scratch. The employees need to be able to enter their name and select areas ...

Skills and Authorisations

The Area being Modelled is :-Skills and Authorisations This is the start of Gary’s SpecificationsHi Barry I’m looking through your library of previously constructed databases absolutely surethere is one there I can use! No luck so far I’m afraid so ...

Retail Customers

If you are new to Data Models, this page of my new Tutorial will help you understand the Data Model. This diagram shows the two important Data Layers of Business Intelligence and Operational Data.Another diagram shows the Data Layers and ...

Railway Reservations

A distributed railway reservation system stores the following information(The following description may lead to un-normalized relations,normalize them wherever required) Train Description :-includes Train number,Station from which the train originate and pass,Time of departure and arrival at various destinations,Number of seats ...


An Access Database is available. The Specifications are based on our previous consulting experience in related areas. A Data Mart might be designed to provide a starting-point for BI, Enquiries and Reports. If you are new to Data Models, this ...