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I have a table like this: ID start_date end_date 1 09/01/2022 1 09/04/2022 2 09/01/2022 I have another reference table like this: ID date owner 1 09/01/2022 null 1 09/02/2022 null 1 09/03/2022 Joe 1 09/04/2022 null 1 09/05/2022 Jack 2 09/01/2022 null 2 09/02/2022 John 2 09/03/2022 John 2 09/04/2022 John For every ID and start_date in the first table, I need find rows in the reference table that occur after start_date, and have non-null owner. ...

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create table table1(accountno number); insert into table1 values (1); insert into table1 values (2); insert into table1 values (3); insert into table1 values (4); insert into table1 values (5); insert into table1 values (6); create table table2(accountno number,check_y_n varchar2(20)); insert into table2 (accountno) values ...