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My database table looks like this: id articleId createDate modifiedDate content 1 145 01.01.2021 01.01.2021 blabla 2 145 01.01.2021 02.01.2021 blabla 3 145 01.01.2021 03.01.2021 blabla 4 146 02.10.2021 02.10.2021 blabla 5 147 05.04.2021 05.04.2021 blabla 6 147 05.04.2021 07.04.2021 blabla So if a content is updated and saved again, then it is saved again in DB with modified date and same articleId. What I’m try to get is all content (latest ,not repeated) ...

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I want to filter customers who come in the first week only and for new customers who come for the first time in the following week will not be included. For example, I have data like this: CustomerID CustTrans Weeks C001 2022-09-03 36 C002 2022-09-02 36 C003 2022-09-03 36 C004 2022-09-02 36 C002 2022-09-08 37 C001 2022-09-05 37 C002 2022-09-11 38 C002 2022-09-23 39 C004 2022-09-19 39 C001 2022-09-18 39 C003 2022-09-26 40 C005 2022-09-17 38 C006 2022-09-25 40 C001 2022-09-25 40 For the code ...