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I had a performance issue in a spring boot application and one step to improve it, is to apply the patch update/insert and to apply it, I had to change the generator strategy of the ID to sequence generator and ...

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package sth.hibernate; import org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.SessionFactory; import sth.hibernate.entitty.Users; public class App { public static void main(String[] args) { SessionFactory factory = new Configuration() ...

I’m saving an Instant field which is mapped with hibernate (5.5)/jpa (2.2) as TIMESTAMPTZ to Postgres, then on tests we need to load it and compare them. With Java 17. When saved it was: expiresAt=2022-10-11T08:06:35.702666317Z when I query the data: expiresAt=2022-10-11T08:06:35.702666Z @Setter(AccessLevel.NONE) @Column(columnDefinition = ...