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I have a controller method where I’m trying to pass a string with multiple order_by arguments to return a sorted collection. The order_by syntax works with one stringified argument, i.e. order_param = "image_fize_size DESC" query.order_by(order_param) >> #<Mongoid::Criteria selector: {...}, options: {:sort => {"image_file_size"=> -1}} class: ...> Due to ...

  • 4

I’m using 'mongo', '1.6.2' and 'mongoid', '2.4.11'. I have ProPlayer model, When I run in console. irb(main):006:0> ProPlayer.first => #<ProPlayer _id: 508a5549d3966f02e7000001, _type: nil, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, first_name: "Adam", last_name: "Jones", batting_style: "R", image_thumbnail: "1.jpg", is_pro_player: true, team_id: BSON::ObjectId('508a550ad3966f02ce000012'), ...