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Ben Bixby

How to find names with 2-byte characters, regardless of collation?

My CUSTOMER table has some characters that are causing a downstream XML process to bark. It appears to be where LAST_NAME has a two-byte character. I’ve reviewed this SQL Server question which explained collation. But I’m still stuck. I notice that some characters are 2-bytes. I’m using AL32UTF8 and UTF8 character sets.

How can I find the last_names with 2 byte characters?
Is that the question I should be asking if I want find all 2-bytes characters regardless of the collation?

2byte character

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2 Answers

  1. for the basic check of bytes != characters you can do something like

    select * 
      from customer
     where length(last_name) != lengthb(last_name); 

    but as NullUserException stated, depends how you really want to define special characters.

  2. Look here:

    SELECT last_name, VSIZE (last_name) "BYTES"      
      FROM employees
     WHERE department_id = 10
    ORDER BY employee_id;
    LAST_NAME            BYTES
    --------------- ----------
    Whalen                   6